3) add map's objects one by one and try to explain what is going on.
First, you have to understand map file is huge about functionnalities, because is setup all kind of stages, and also because there is named parameters for some scripts things.
And, same if I try to understand what is parameters for by modify them one by one, this time I have lot of parameters I didn't know what is for (also because I focused on Havok part, after confirmation about havok file have the limits of the stages).
So it's still have lot of work on that, and is too big for one guy.
SO, if you find something on a parameter, please tell us on that post. Thank.
Notice: In Xml version, there is lot of comment to explain the range/unique values found in all map files. But, it's not great to comment one or many objects.
So, I give you this file
BFtwh.map witch I modify to remove all comments (with minify and beautyfy function of
So, here we beginnig to do a fast look inside Xml version of BFtwh.map.
-near of all the file "Settings" have the same settings. only few have few differences. We didn't really know what is about on that.
-the only setting found is s0a_unk_6 float="-9.80000019" for gravity on all scd and destructions's parts (if you make it positive, you will have all going to the sky).
-ItemTypes is a list of type, but we didn't know yet witch parameter use them (certainly a index).
-for ListSection1 and ListSection2, when you look the name, it's seam to refer to a specific scenario/trigger. we didn't know more on that.
-ListFragmentGroup is a serie of group of objects's index.
In tournament (BFten), there is rocks witch appear after collision between a wall and a kamehameha is grouped by one group named "fragments". And also a group for grass.
Here, we have:
-"hakai" witch is the japan term for "destruction" or "break".
-"wood_break" may be for fences.
-"saku" witch could be trad by "flower"
-"Gate" (may be for the city entry)
-and series of "fragments"
Notice: if a index is up to the number of objects (like if we coments the object for test), the game just don't care, it will not crash.
-ListObject is the main part of the file. each object add a functionality or a visual things. Inside there is :
-hitboxGroupIndex witch refer to a hitboxgroup witch is the next part of the file. it's here there is collisions.
-ListEntity, it's here we could add a visual object with files nsk (mesh + skeleton), textureEmb, emm (material) and/or ema (animations).
-Notice : there is a possiblity to setup some ListLod for nsk and emm (witch is all big things for performances).
-ListVirtualSubPart, it's here we could add a functionnality /behaviour.
-IMPORTANT: The number of Object.VirtualSubPart must be the same as the number of hitbox inside hitboxgroup or the game/tool crash (it's a fact inside the map file format).
-you could add a Action from collision detected, with a list of command like "PLAY SOUND 3D"
-you could add Action witch is ref to a script things.
-in certain case, there is also a "Hierarchy". a sort of recursive things. it's have to be confirm a little bit.
-ListHitboxGroup is the hitboxgroup witch is used by the object.
-"Why you don't put hitboxgroup inside the Object ?" -> because many object could refer the same hitboxgroup, so if I do that, the xml will be very huge, and also rebuilded map file will be very different from original.
-ListOnDestruction is not really for destruction
-HavokFile is a reference of extracted havok file for defined hitbox/collisions.
-CollisionGeometry is reference to CollisionMesh witch is in reality a geometry for visual debug of group of havok.
-ListFiles is some list of file used inside the map file. In theorie, this section is not necessary because I read all files named inside all sections, but it's here to keep files order for having no difference on rebuild of the map file. there is ListNsk (mesh + skeleton), ListTextureEmb, ListEmm (material), ListEma (animations)
So let's begin to remove all object to add them one by one (ormay be some group if similar):
-if all objects are commented, there is nothing (except halo from spm but here it's not enable). it's just all black. Characters just flying in void.
-with add the first object "ENVTEX", we see nothing because it's just to load the texture witch will be reflected in buildings's windows (all reflection surfaces), but we have none object, just characters.
-adding hn67yashi_00, there is one tree destroyable.
if we look deaper on object added there is :
-2 entity, one for brokeable tree BFsinh67.nsk, and one for the original BFsinh67s.nsk
-13 VirtualSubPart. And on the first, there is a action "PLAY SOUND 3D" may be when we broke the tree.
-there is a action to allow to the destruction.
-each VirtualSubPart, have a hitbox in hitboxGroup 1 "COL_H67_break". It's for take care of collisions and physic in destroy step.
-COL_H67a is using Havok__1_1_0_0.hkx, witch we could see the result by display CollisionMesh_1_1.emd : it's the base of the broken tree
-COL_H67b_break (Havok__1_2_0_0.hkx, CollisionMesh_1_2.emd), COL_H67c_break, COL_H67d_break, COL_H67e_break, COL_H67f_break, COL_H67g_break, COL_H67h_break, COL_H67i_break, COL_H67j_break, COL_H67k_break (CollisionMesh_1_11.emd), COL_H67l_break are part of the destroyed tree.
-adding until "hn67yashi_13" (included), there is all destroyables trees.
-adding "hn60_01" it's the destroyable wood fences. It's exactly the same as tree, there is VirtualSubPart and Hitbox for destructions.
-adding others, and "h11tree_00", there is some vegetation.
-No destruction, so there is only one entity.
-but still have 2 VirtualSubPart, and one action.
-the second hitbox is a sphere. After, test ingame, it's may be a sphere witch if the camera is inside, the transparence change for better look.
-adding others, and "bnBFtwh00", there is the sky, cloud and wild background like montains.
-one entity, one VirtualSubPart, and one action.
-the hitbox is a "BOX" (this name could avoid a need of a havok).
-adding "bnBFtwh01", add wild plaine and bigs rocks to complete the background.
-adding "bnBFtwh02", there is the ground. So now, we can also walk. And also have a effect of destruction from a kamehameha on the ground.
-there is one Entity, and one action.
-there is 24 VirtualSubPart.
-HitboxGroup "BFtwhcolroot" :
-BFtwh01wallcol (Havok__6_1_0_0.hkx, CollisionMesh_6_1.emd): big plane with terrain's skirts on each side. THAT THE WALL witch keep us inside the area.
-BFtwn01_area016col (CollisionMesh_6_2.emd) : area for something
-grdSIL00col (Havok__6_3_0_0.hkx, Havok__6_3_0_1.hkx, CollisionMesh_6_3.emd): borders
-BFtwhBKUwall06col (Havok__6_4_0_0.hkx) : strange thing. the name say it's a Wall. may be for portal ?
-BFtwh03_outside02col (Havok__6_5_0_0.hkx, Havok__6_5_1_0.hkx, Havok__6_5_1_1.hkx, CollisionMesh_6_5.emd) : it's some building. it's for make shadows/ambiant occlusion.
-BFtwh03_outside01col, BFtwh03_outside03col, BFtwh03_outside04col, BFtwh03_outside05col : same with also fences, all for shadows/ambiante occlusion.
-nofragment001 to nofragment014 : it's for some fake tree out of area/walls, with only 3 planes.
-adding "bnBFtwh03", there is all no-destructible building.
Notice: there is no extra Havok for them because they are allready on "bnBFtwh02"
-adding "bnBFtwh04", add traffic lights, lights, and car, all no-destructible because they are out to the area/walls.
-adding "bnBFtwh05", add wild building, out of area.
-adding "bnBFtwh06", not really sure what is about.
-adding "hn102_00", there is the first destructible building. is like destructible trees.
-there is 2 entity : BFtwh_h102.nsk (ready for destruction) and BFtwh_h102s.nsk
-and a lots of VirtualSubPart, one for each parts of the building destroyed.
-Notice in action there is "SET BREAK PARTS INVISIBLE" with a time to make invisible the part after a certain time.
-Notice: BFtwh_h102B.nsk, seam not be used in map file. may be it's for
-adding others building 103 and 104.
-adding "hn57_00", add a terminal fire.
-there is 2 entity: BFtwnh57.nsk (ready for destruction), and BFtwnh57s.nsk. no Ema file setup.
-there is 2 VirtualSubPart. on the first, there is a action "PLAY EFFECT" with a effect_ID "0" (from Category_ID "-1"). it's for a explosion + vibrations.
=> BFtwnh57.ema is never setup, so how the animation of water after destruction is done ?
-adding other, adding "hn50_00" and others until "hn52_01", there is destructibles car.
-adding "hn56_00" and others, there is trash can.
-adding "GATE_to_BFten", normally add the portal, but we didn't see it. Something could activate the display (allready look inside BFtwh_QST.map.xml and BFtwh_EVE.map.xml)
-there is a action "CHANGE AREA"
-there the animation ema.
-adding other gates, adding "hn105_00" and others, there is public bench.
-adding "h12tree_00" and others, for vegetations
-adding "hn55s_01" and others, for traffic light.
-adding "sound_ENV", with a action "PLAY SOUND 3D". but not sure to listen some specific sound (I have turn the music volume down)
-adding "insGrassA" and others, for some grass.
-have no hitbox : <hitboxGroupIndex value="4294967295" />
-have one entity for a template mesh/texture/material.
-have a Hierarchy, may be for duplicate the object (hierarchy could be not the good word, it's could be instancedMesh/instancedGeometry). All instance of the geometry could have a specific transform.
-adding "GATE_EXP_IN", another gate. but here there is a Action witha command "HideObject" (same if I remove this command, I see nothing).
-adding "insGrassBDK", there is more grass.
-adding "FragmentsF00_soil00" and others, there is rocks on collision between kamehameha and ground. but I didn't see them, may be only one witch disappeard fastly.
-adding "FragmentsF00_grass00" and others, there is rocks on collision between
-adding "FragmentsF00_conc00", there is rock for hit a building with kmh
-adding "SetShadowArea", with a action "SET SHADOW AREA", may be to adjust the area with shadows (because we allready have shadow before.)
-adding "FragmentsF00_conc01" and others. (after test next "Henshin Impossible" (hensin = morphing/transformation), I could say it's for having flying rocks when I'm in SuperSayen3 transform.
-adding "NG_GNT_000", with some action "Henshin Impossible". Same with that, I could continue to be in SS3. So it's strange.